Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Yeast Balloons Experiment

Last week we did an Experiment. The Experiment was called yeast balloons. We had to mix 300mls of warm water, dry Yeast  and  2 tablespoons of sugar. We mixed until mixture dissolved. We poured it into a bottle and stretched a balloon and put it over the top of the bottle. Then we waited an hour and the ballon became bigger and bigger.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Origami Masu Box

    This is a Origami Masu Box. These are the instructions on how to make one.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Heart map writing

One time me and my Dad made a home made Pizza. The reason why  we  made pizza was
because we were in lockdown and it was too boring. We looked online for some recipes and we
found one.  The worst part was that there were no toppings to put on the pizza so  we put on the
pizza whatever we had. We had avocado and some strange vegetables. We added to it but I did not
like the vegetables. The pizza was still good. We had pizza and I did not eat for the rest of it
throughout the day because I was so full. 

Heart map writing

When I go to the  beach I can feel the cold breeze on my back when I walk to the
water. I can feel the  sand on my feet. When I go under water I can feel the waves
catching up to me. I like to go to the beach with my Mum and Dad. We walk along
the beach feeling the water between our legs.  Next to the beach there is a
restaurant and it has my favourite food, which is fettuccine. Me and my family
have fettuccine at the restaurant. Then we will have some ice cream for dessert.
Next to the beach there is a park, so I play in the park. By the time I have finished
playing, we all go home with a happy smile on our faces.